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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Early Labour Project - Groaning Cake

When you think of birthing, what comes to mind? Is the a sweating, flushed woman with a look of mild terror on her face screaming out in pain? Is it a swollen woman in a hospital gown with wires coming out of her?

It's OK, most people think the same thing.

What if when you thought about birth you imagined a woman in a kitchen quietly stirring a bowl of batter? Every 5 minutes or so she stops stirring, puts her hands on the edge of the counter and leans over, groaning and swaying her hips back and forth.

For many women, especially those who choose to birth at home, that's what birth looks like. Or a version of that. And I think that's so beautiful it gives me chills.

Check out this recipe for a groaning cake: a cake you make when you start your birthing time.

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